I have the fisheye; he has the argus.
I cope pretty well when everything is not real.
a lot of weird dreams lately.
someone sent a great chicken I posted yesterday:
you should make one, too, because they are awesome.
Monday, March 30, 2009
anyone know where to develop 620 film?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
being busy, I guess
several new items on etsy
including bobbin bowls
which everyone wants to buy until they are on sale
I miss school
even the four hours a week I spend at work are too many
describing, in an exaggerative form, things a person can do with the party of chickens tiles, I suggested dropping in water with alka seltzer
it was neat
the glaze work lately has been extremely intricate
I love my 00000 brush
mostly I've been throwing
I won't be able to for a long time if they crack my chest
I leave you with flowers
Monday, March 16, 2009
return of the estranged rolling pin
the search was futile.
I think we gave up after about six weeks. I still glanced around, but nothing serious.
Today, the rolling pin returned triumphant. Amazing.
Friday, March 13, 2009
go buy things
that way, I can make more.
Grand Rapids people, especially those who frequent City Knitting, don't have to pay shipping. we can execute an IRL hand-off.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the results are in
first, I figured out the watermark. the excess is done. now for the hotness.
the majority of this blog probably deals with how much I love opening the kiln after a glaze fire. this time, pretty much the entire kiln was filled with bobbin bowls. that's like getting socks as a birthday gift. not cute feety socks, either. white ankle socks.
fortunately, I had a bunch of chickens and two really good pieces for me to stare at my work like pygmalion once did. this is one of them.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
first off, I need a new watermark
we're nearly four hours in to the glaze fire. we being the kiln and I.
I will admit that this timing had a lot to do with needing more chickens, but I mostly filled the kiln with dip-glazed bobbin bowls. honestly, I'll be pissed if no one buys any. I have 18 of them.
my kiln shelves are warped. I suspect this has something to do with breaking a large pyrometric cone in half so that it would fit in the kiln sitter during the last bisque fire. sometimes, I am not the world's most intelligent human being.
I paid $200 for a kiln whose lowest price, which is the beginning bid in an ebay listing, is $350. in that listing, the seller repeatedly notes that the bottom is rotted out. mine, on the other hand, functions perfectly. it came with minor cracks that I have since repaired with kiln cement. the list price new is $1,650.
it is also 12 or 13 years old. clearly a good investment.
I'm really glad that I made art a priority in my life.
Monday, March 9, 2009
always a juxtaposition
I have less to say. I'm doing more.
genuinely, I no longer am able to determine what exactly is reality. no two people have the same thing to say, and I certainly don't trust my discretion.
really what I want is the damoclean sword to stop dangling. do it or don't, my body.
glaze fire tomorrow. mostly bobbin bowls. I'm not going to make anymore. people ask if I sell them and how much for and could I please let them know when they are available, but no one buys them. I don't enjoy making them, which was a major hesitation in the first place. anyway. enough of that.