Friday, May 29, 2009

unearned exhaustion

, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

seven hours into firing yesterday, the power went out. it was down for 45 minutes. afterwards, I restarted the kiln.

it continued to run for the next 16 hours.

I'm afraid to open it. how badly do you think my work was destroyed? I had some pretty nice pieces in there, too. (deep breath) loss is a part of life.

however, sometimes I pretend this is not true. for example, I tore a hole in the bottom of this bowl while trimming the foot.

wouldn't a dramatic foot look nice on that bowl? how about this?

I have yet to succeed with a separately-attached foot, so send good energy. haha I think I might send it to Catholic school crush... back in the day, I tried to make him a ridiculous ashtray.

remember what I said about feet?

anyway, for some reason I want to send him one of my best pieces. I'm still angry that he was so willing to give up on me. AND that now I can't listen to Elvis Perkins because they sound pretty much exactly the same.

what would a post from me be without chickens?

we are on

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

why yes, I am familiar with the concept of elegant variation!

unloved, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

Good morning!

My art needs love. I need love, too, but I don’t have the misfortune of being stacked and lonely on a basement shelf. Or under folding tables.

See the art. Desire the art. Hold the art as your own. Make an offer, either barter or monetary. We’ll work something out.

Just to be clear:
• Art that needs some lovin’
• Barter suggestions (i.e.: stuff I want)

And, of course, you can always reach me via email at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

and another thing

bad news first, just to get it out of the way:
none of my works were selected for the festival.

okay. done with that.

Cooley is in week two of the 2009 Trinity term, which means that I'm in my second week back at school after having withdrawn last term. I did not want to withdraw last term. Doing so made me feel lazy, weak, and histrionic. However, I am glad I withdrew, because I actually do want to do well in school and I wouldn't have had I not withdrawn.

One of my hesitations was losing touch with the Chipman class. You are a wonderful class, both in and out of the classroom. I worried that, because we are in different classes now, we would drift apart.

We haven't.

Everyone (students, professors, and staff) I encounter is unspeakably kind. Those of you with whom I have had the fortune of continued interaction have sympathized with my struggles and cheered my successes. When I go to school, I enter a community of people who care deeply for one another.

I'm flattered to be one who is so cared for and grateful for the fortunate opportunity to participate in such a community. Thank you.

A Very Special Happy Tuesday

100!, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

Chicken number 100 joins the party today. actually, it's a handful of chickens. most of them are groupies. or something.

people have been amazing. here are some of my favorites:


If you would like to play along, either design a paper template (digital is okay, too, as I'm realizing is significantly easier) or request a ready-for-your-attention tile. to do the latter, send me a private message through any of the four social networking websites I belong to. *

The Party of Chickens now also has its own facebook page AND Twitter . . . . tweeter! you have no excuse to not play along. seriously.

unrelatedly, some things that are going on in my life:
1. I'm back in school. thank god. I was getting bored.
2 I'm volunteering with DA Blodgett's Sisters in Support program.
3. Today, I will find out if any of the four pieces I submitted to the Festival of the Arts Regional Arts Competition have been accepted.
4. certain words, like submit, should not have the -'ed' enclitic for the past tense.
5. I sold a ceramic bowl via the barter system. Thank you, Jess. You, too, can own original artwork in exchange for tools and materials. this stuff deserves to be appreciated!
6. the beau, as always, is amazing. I'm not entirely at all sure how I got so lucky.
7. the health drama continues. it will probably never end. isn't nearly five years in a little late to realize that it's not going away?

smile a lot!

* facebook, flickr, ravelry, and suicide girls. I'm also available via a boatload of email addresses, so you can also send any of these things to

I also have an etsy shop, but I have decided that no one actually sells things on etsy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

the mosaic is currently in the possession of the grand rapids festival of the arts staff and volunteers.

(boring picture)
(but at least you can tell what it's supposed to look like.

I also submitted two ceramic bowls and a photograph.

I'm okay. the neurologist at Cleveland Clinic asked why I expected him to give a clear-cut diagnosis when no other doctor in the past ten years has been able to.

I yelled at him.

we Michiganders are feeling the progressively increasing squeeze of the vice that is our economy. it's a good thing I'm a student. just keep giving me money, G. I'll pay you back when I pass the bar.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

doesn't seem like much

, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

Margaret Cho takes issue with Hello Kitty's popularity among young women. She is not a good role model; she doesn't even have a mouth. Cho goes so far as to say, "she ain't nothing but a pussy with a bow on it."

I think about that a lot, especially because I actually do like Hello Kitty.

my sanrio tattoo is of kuromi, so I guess my role model is mischievous and has plenty to say.

women were supposed to be demure. now we're supposed to be ambitious. when will it be up to *us* how we approach the world?

*blink* *blink*

a glaze fire load finished earlier today. it feels like there is nothing in it, but I think that is because the work is relatively simple

as opposed to the last load's rather complex detail

I'm pretty happy with each piece in the kiln right now. Nessie, especially, should be pretty neat.

I need to catch up on chickens. there are maybe a dozen in this load. if you want one, let me know!

I did some destroying
like bullet holes

when shit like this happens, I want to rub in it the noses of the people who tell me it's obviously not that bad. reading my records is an exercise in medical vocabulary:
blepharospasm, diplopia, dysmetria, exophoria, expressive aphasia, hyper-reflexic, leukopenia, marcus gunn pupil, tremulous notice-- and that's just one neurologist!

I wish people would stop telling me to suck it up.

I worked really hard to not be so angry all the time. trinity 2009 starts on the 11th. I'm registered. I want to go back.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to.