Friday, June 24, 2011

More Faster Better

My daughter is asleep next to me. She doesn't like to sleep during the day. She wants to be a part of everything that's going on. Her swing is in my studio, and this past week she's spent a lot of time there supervising my work. On the days when she absolutely needed to be held, I worked while wearing her in a Moby wrap.
Lucia is a very good helper

A glaze fire is currently in process-- the batch that was bisque fired on Monday. Mostly the glaze-work is dip-and-pour, otherwise I never would be able to work so quickly. Both this most recent bisque and this glaze load did not fit into the kiln; each time a few pieces were left out. In this batch are six mugs, three bobbin bowls, and two regular bowls as well as a boatload of buttons and magnets.

The buttons and magnets are new additions, as are the earrings. I love the buttons, by the by. They are perfect for knitters and crocheters (as opposed to crotchetiers, spell-check) who want a unique accent. I'm trying to expand my price-range for Eastern Market; both of the former sell for $3 each or two for $5, whereas the latter sells for $5 or free with a bowl or mug. These items are not yet available on the website.

On the high end, I am more aggressively marketing custom work. I have done pieces for weddings, a graduation, and band art. The pieces can be as intricate as desired and as big as twelve inches in diameter. To start work on an order, I require a fifty percent deposit. Please contact me with the information you would like to use and I will give you a quote.

I am also changing clays. I had been using Amaco's White Stoneware #38. At the beginning of this year, the clay body was poorly mixed and significantly deflocculated. After returning an unusable batch, I gave up and used it as a base to recycle my old clay. Near the end, I was adding a great deal of borax. I decided that I may as well work with kaolin and just switch to porcelain. Porcelain was what I worked with primarily while in college.

Enter local clay arts supplier Rovin Ceramics! If you work with clay and are in southeast Michigan, check them out.

In the next few weeks, I will be making a full new set of test tiles. Also, Eastern Market's Artisan Village, which is where I sell, will move. I'm not entirely sure of details, but I do know that we will not be just outside Shed 5 while it is under construction.

In summary:
1. Newish cheapish stuff is available at Eastern Market.
2 New awesome stuff will be available next week both at the market and on-line.
3. You should place an order for custom work.
4. My kiln is getting to small to keep up with me.
5. Lucia is awesome.