Friday, November 18, 2011


Today I did something that I am EXTREMELY proud of: I replaced the elements in my kiln. All by myself.

The kiln is the piece of equipment in my studio that would be most expensive to replace. The type of kiln I would use starts around $4,000. I fixed mine for under $200.

What feels coolest to me is that I am so much more a “real” ceramist; I can maintain and repair my own equipment. I know how to make the stuff to put in the kiln, how to fire it, and now how to fix it.

It’s okay if you’re not as excited as I am.

My next bisque fire will be on the 28th of November, and the corresponding glaze fires will be on the 5th and 8th of December. Now is the time to make custom orders. I will be using two new glazes: Rovin's Bright Ice Creamy Crimson and Grape Fizz.

Snowflake buttons based on the artwork of Wilson Bentley will be available in limited quantities on December 10th.

For February, I will have “special edition” heart buttons based in part on the artwork of Jon Collier.

These buttons will be available for sale on January 11th.

Buttons will also make an appearance in the January Phat Fiber box. Samples in the October box were a single Mighty (larger than 2.5 inches) button. Samples in the January box will sets of two Bitty (less than 1 inch) buttons. The bitty buttons are my favorites, just so you know.

Eastern Market Artisan Village is winding down for the season. We will pick back up mid-April on the south side of the recently-renovated Shed 5.

You don’t have to go to Eastern Market to gaze upon my ceramic splendor. Most items are available for sale through my website, In a recent shop critique, many people said that they wanted more specific dimensions. The process to provide that information is a long one. In the meantime, please contact me with any questions at

With regard to the buttons, items will be individually listed instead of just by price, size, and glaze. I currently have 26 glazes and an average of 26 buttons per glaze, though, so posting each individual button is not a quick job. The effort has been worthwhile. Thank you for that.

In summary:
1. I am awesome.
2  Custom orders placed by November 23rd will be available for shipping or delivery on December 10th.
3. Snowflake buttons go on sale in December and heart buttons go on sale in January.
4. Detroit Eastern Market Artisan Village winter recess is nigh, so do your shopping online at
5. Improvements continue on the website. Do you have suggestions? I could use them!