Friday, May 29, 2009

unearned exhaustion

, originally uploaded by nirbhao.

seven hours into firing yesterday, the power went out. it was down for 45 minutes. afterwards, I restarted the kiln.

it continued to run for the next 16 hours.

I'm afraid to open it. how badly do you think my work was destroyed? I had some pretty nice pieces in there, too. (deep breath) loss is a part of life.

however, sometimes I pretend this is not true. for example, I tore a hole in the bottom of this bowl while trimming the foot.

wouldn't a dramatic foot look nice on that bowl? how about this?

I have yet to succeed with a separately-attached foot, so send good energy. haha I think I might send it to Catholic school crush... back in the day, I tried to make him a ridiculous ashtray.

remember what I said about feet?

anyway, for some reason I want to send him one of my best pieces. I'm still angry that he was so willing to give up on me. AND that now I can't listen to Elvis Perkins because they sound pretty much exactly the same.

what would a post from me be without chickens?

we are on

1 comment:

syh said...

No works destroyed! Hooray!